Monday, April 29, 2019

#30facesofautism 2019 - Day 29

Day 29 – Today I proudly introduce you to Avin’s Tribe.  That is the name of the group text we are all on where the back and forth happens that puts everybody on the same page in the Book of Baby Girl.  “Did she have her medicine today?” “She’s having a great day today!” “Yesterday she told me I was soft and sweet.” “Seems agitated today…” “Ate a plain tortilla shell for lunch today.”  “She just ate half the fruit off my plate and all the ham!!” If I published this running text it could be its own blog!  These are the people she spends a great portion of her waking school days with.  This is her Para (who happens to be the Mama of one of her Big Sissy’s friends growing up) her two Regular Education Teachers (who are the perfect mix of skill and sweetness) and her SUPER crazy FUN Special Education Teacher (who happened to work in her Big Sissy’s third grade classroom and I also taught one of her daughters in Kindergarten).  They picked up right where her dream team from Kindergarten and First Grade left off and have loved and stretched her into a strong Second Grader who is fast approaching her next year with them as a terrific Third Grader.  They have embraced all her quirks and encouraged her strengths with just the right amounts of compassion and structure.  They have tried things, thrown them out when they didn’t work, tried again, taken their time, been patient, celebrated, cried, tried something else, praised, started over, been firm, used another strategy, stood their ground, asked questions, found answers, hugged, LOVED.  I am beyond grateful to know she is in their care each day! #30facesofautism

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