Friday, April 12, 2019

#30facesofautism 2019 - Day 12

Day 12 – The gut is at the center of lots of current discussion about total body health.  There is no denying the benefits of taking probiotics.  There is also much study being done about the connection between gut health and our kids with autism.  One issue in particular is the balance between the good and bad bacteria in the gut and then what is happening with the yeast that is also there.  An overgrowth of yeast is bad and for kids with autism it can be a precursor for some problematic behaviors. There is a laundry list of symptoms ranging from inappropriate laughter to aggression that can result.  For Baby Girl some of the signs she has experienced from an overgrowth of yeast have been excessive climbing, an extreme increase in hyperactivity and inattention, intense irritability and making noises.  All.  The.  Noises.  A round of antibiotics, a diet heavy in carbs or too much sugar can all lead to this overgrowth.  It takes about a 30 day round of Diflucan (prescription yeast killer) to “heal” her gut, in addition to the probiotic she takes each day.   We are currently in the middle of treating one of these episodes and this time it was so bad before I put all the signs together that she even had a rash on the back of her leg – an outward sign of yeast overgrowth. I’m not perfect – remember.   I’m pretty sure a recent round of antibiotics was the culprit, it also doesn’t help that she is the granddaughter of both of her grandmothers – who happen to be and to have been sweetaholics. #30facesofautism

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