Tuesday, April 23, 2019

#30facesofautism 2019 - Day 23

Day 23 – Sometime at school today Baby Girl got a little soft, cute monkey ball from the magnificent Ms. KK, my school’s magical Book Fairy, and she has literally not put it down. She has loved it, she has loved me with it, she had dinner with it and she even took it with her to her cousin’s high school senior band concert tonight. These types of events are always a little stressful because I just never know how they will go. The good thing is she loves music and its usually loud enough that even if she asks me a question a little louder than one should talk in an auditorium, no one is really the wiser. Well tonight was great until about 30 seconds into Rhapsodic Celebration mister groovy monkey managed to escape her happy little hands and roll clear down the sloping floor of the auditorium and out of sight. You know those people that work for the police who talk people off ledges? I’ll bet they have hours, no years of training.  I am not trained people. I had to talk my way through 3 more minutes of music using every single negotiating skill I had to keep her from freaking out completely and crawling over every parent in front of us who was filming their senior child’s last performance ever in high school. Did I mention we were in the second to the back row of the auditorium? Let me confirm for you this very minute that I know firsthand prayer was said in a school tonight. The cool thing is that at my nephew’s freshman band concert this would have ended mayhem – no doubt.  But tonight here’s the real celebration, we made it. It was tough, but she collected herself and waited for the applause before she hurdled towards the aisle, only to discover our dear neighbor about twenty rows down had felt it hit her feet during the song and was holding it up, looking for the precious child who had lost it.  Oh sweet, sweet rhapsody. #30facesofautism 

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