Sunday, April 22, 2018

#30facesofautism - Day 22

Day 22 – To give medicine or not, that is the question.  Every parent has to answer that question for themselves, along with the guidance of their doctor.  It’s controversial as heck because people are so prone to JUDGEMENT.  Question – if your child had diabetes would you not give them insulin because you didn’t want them to be on medicine?  I’m just asking for a friend.  I did not want my child to be language delayed, or struggle to focus, or have crazy, curly hair, or be on the spectrum but guess what? She has/is all those things and it is my job to do everything I can to help improve her quality of life so that she can be her best self. Period.  So I read, and research, and ask questions, and cry, and feel guilty and inadequate, and on occasion I eat too many doughnuts, and then I buck it up and we make an informed decision in an effort to do the very best we can for her. Remember how I told you that Baby Girl was blurry because she never stopped moving. Well you have to wonder - if their bodies are that busy then what in the world must be happening in their brains??  She currently takes three supplements, two of which she has taken since before she started school.  She was truly struggling in Kindergarten and her teachers knew she knew more and could do more so last April we made the decision to add a medication used to treat ADD/ADHD.  Folks, I am here to tell you it was a game changer for US.  There are literally 3 school days between these two writing samples.  The first one is before med and the second one is after.  The video is the same day as the second writing sample and her second day taking the medicine.  Her teachers had gone over the plus and equal sign with her the first day, just one time.  Prior to having taken the meds she could not have gotten past “Daddy has four cookies”.  So this time I invite you to pull your JUDGEMENT out and use it.  Did I make the right call? #30facesofautism

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