Wednesday, April 18, 2018

#30facesofautism - Day 18

Day 18 – Lest you all think its sunshine, rainbows and unicorns over here let’s talk about Baby Girl’s most used word of all time…No.  For a good while a few years back it was always No.  Come here. No.  Stop that. No.  Sit down. No. Pick that up. No. Put that down. No.  She even said No when the child actually meant yes. Do you want a hug? No (while she was reaching for you).  It’s bath time. No (it’s her favorite). Let’s read a book. No (while she was handing you the book). Do you want some candy? No (she would live on it if I allowed it).  No. No. NO!  Bless her.  She said so little for so long that at first it was endearing and then - it wasn’t.  Let me tell you that when you have to live out every aspect of your life as the “authority figure” there is nothing as humbling, or infuriating, as having one of the sweet, beautiful, precious little creatures that God helped you put on this Earth tell you No. All. The. Time.  It didn’t matter what I said or threatened or how I looked at her.  And given my profession, I have looks, in fact I have more looks than a fashion magazine. Fruitless.  Absolutely fruitless.  Bless me.  Strong willed runs in both bloodlines, shocking I know, but this was beyond that.  As she gained more language, and some manners, the just flat out no became less and less.  At least now it’s usually followed by thank you which makes it a whole lot easier to swallow in polite company.   The No still comes in waves though, even now. In fact, we are currently riding one of those waves.  I’ve noticed that it resurfaces its ugly little declarative head immediately following a huge spurt in language.  Why? Heck if I kNOw. Bless us all. #30facesofautism

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