Thursday, April 19, 2018

#30facesofautism - Day 19

Day 19 – You ever heard something once and could repeat it exactly as you heard it or seen something once and could remember it? Yeah, well me neither.  Not Baby Girl though.  She has a scary, super freaky, crazy awesome memory.  She really only needs to see something once, maybe twice and she remembers it.  I will never forget the day I realized she knew every letter of the alphabet, well before 2, when she barely had a 10 word vocabulary.  Nobody taught it to her either, she saw it and she knew it.  I dare you to challenge her to a game of Memory Matching/Concentration – you will get schooled.  Learning to read came pretty easily, or at least the word calling did.  Comprehension is a whole other ball of wax – you need a better handle on language to move into the more complex aspects like determining purpose and understanding inference.  What is so cool about it is that it isn’t just near photographic it’s also “audio”graphic, but that my friends is for another post on another day… #30facesofautism

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