Wednesday, April 22, 2020

#30facesofautism 2020 - Day 22

Day 22 - Last year my post about ‘creatures big’ was all about how much she loved dogs BUT was also terrified of them. I know exactly when she became terrified - it was our completely spastic Springer’s fault. He has never been great around food and she so trustingly had her hamburger in her hand just off the table as he sprinted by - and snatched it out of her sweet little hand. Mayhem ensued. Poor Ford.  Even hamburgers suffered exclusion from Baby Girl’s life following the food snatching incident. This happened when she was like 4 and trying to keep them safely apart has been tough. Everything miraculously changed last fall. Our oldest had been volunteering for her sorority at an animal shelter. I think this helped fulfill her need for animal love while she was away and lonely at college. She ended up fostering one of the dogs, a rescue who had been abused, over a football weekend when we were up there. Avin knee she was keeping a dog and because she LLOOVVEESS them wanted to ‘’meet” her. When Big Girl walked in with this large Auskie - half Siberian Husky, half Australian Cattle Dog with one crazy blue eye and one intimidating brown eye and big old ‘all the better to eat you with’ teeth I just knew mayhem would ensue.  But something different happened - something I never thought I’d see.  This dog walked over to Baby Girl and just stood there close enough for her to touch her when she was ready, and she did! Baby Girl put her little hand on this dog and our whole lives changed. LuLu is calm and gentle, loyal and protective. It’s like somehow this dog knew what Baby Girl could tolerate and what she couldn’t. She has never pushed the limit. It has been so magical that she isn’t even afraid of Ford or any dog anymore. She begs to take care of them, to feed them, to love on and play with them.  It has been amazing to watch the transformation. 🐕#30facesofautism

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