Thursday, April 2, 2020

#30facesofautism 2020 - Day 2

Day 2 – It’s World Autism Awareness Day!  The focus for this special month is to embark on a Kindness Quest by making the world kinder and more inclusive of those with autism.  One of Baby Girl’s greatest attributes is that she is mannered, considerate and kind towards others about 96% of the time.  The other 4% account for those times when she is dazed, confused and things get totally out of her control. I asked her today to tell me what kindness meant, and her response was “use kind words to both my friends and teachers.” This is direct brainwashing from a social story she has heard many times, but that’s a story for another day and it made me smile.  Words are indeed a HUGE factor in how we can make kindness count for not just those with autism, but in the lives of ALL people!  So, in your own WORDS, comment below to help us define what KINDNESS IS…

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