Wednesday, April 8, 2020

#30facesofautism 2020 - Day 8

Day 8 - Let me start by saying this is not what I had planned to write about tonight but sometimes things happen that are worth mentioning. Big Girl is in the living room online for a class and I was sitting down to chill for a minute after making her dinner. I was on my phone and all of a sudden Baby Girl was all over me. I was half paying attention and annoyed she was wallowing on me until I caught what she was saying. “I love laying on you Mommy!” I stopped in my tracks, put my phone down and let her settle into a place of comfort. I’m sure most people wouldn’t understand the significance of this but it is a rarity around here. During “real school” by the time we get home she is so spent she doesn’t even want to be talked to, truly neither do I, much less could she tolerate the physical contact. She laid in my arms and watched the entire episode of Ellen’s Game of Games, cackling at funny parts, sometimes answering the questions for the contestants and chit chatting with me about the things happening in the commercials. People. This just happened and it was such a precious, precious time and I am beyond grateful to have had those moments with just us. I snapped this quick picture and when we looked at it I screwed my face up because I look wretched - she looked at it and told me it was beautiful. So here we are - in a time that is few and far between - loving every sweet, snuggly, beautiful  second. 💚 #30facesofautism

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