Thursday, September 20, 2012

When Your Past Meets The Present...Again

Tonight was the first of our Open House nights. Fourth and Fifth Grades showcased their day and our sweet, little Kindergartners spent the time happily pointing out the special things in their classrooms and sharing the work they've already accomplished. I have such a sweet spot for Kindergarten. It was where I spent all but one year of my teaching career. Today one of my 21 year old (yikes) past Kindergartners was standing at the front counter as I rounded the door to my office. I recognized her immediately and was thrilled to learn she was getting married this weekend even though in my mind she'll always be five.


Lourdes said...

Tried blowing up the pic to no avail. I'll never forget when one of my past students said he was a freshman. I assumed he meant HS. I was kindly corrected; freshman in COLLEGE! Ouch!

Anonymous said...

I love when friends come back to visit! What perfect timing for her to come and see you! You touched her life.

Anonymous said...

Visits like this are so uplifting. Try finding that kind of love in the corporate world. It simply does not happen.

Obviously, you made a life long impact!

