Friday, March 28, 2008

dayle says it all!

I WAS born the year dayle started teaching but I learn more from working with her than I could ever put into words. This keynote touched me deeply and reminded me, just as she does every day, that this profession will never grow old for me. Thanks dayle!

Enjoy your Spring Break folks - you deserve it!

Believing is just the beginning...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Time Out!

“People need love, especially when they don’t deserve it.” Harold Hulbert

I have had to remind myself of this repeatedly this week as I have been faced with one challenge after another. Seriously! We are all so tired and our well deserved break is just a few more days away. Next week please help me keep students busy and out of trouble by limiting down time. If they are busy with meaningful work there will be no time for mischief. You will probably need to reiterate rules daily, particularly for the dining room, arrival and dismissal, resource and recess.

Approach your work with colleagues by thinking TEAM. Everybody makes mistakes, gets overloaded or simply needs a helping hand from time to time. Instead of focusing narrowly on your own personal space and plan take a moment to watch what is going on with the rest of the group. Differences can add depth, create strength and even bring balance. It is important that we sideline our own perspectives sometimes and put ourselves in another's place. True sportsmanship is about showing extreme grace. Being gracious means forgiving a teammate who fouled up, sharing the spotlight, and finding your sense of humor in those times of extreme pressure. Next week promote harmony - the team can't come close to reaching its true potential without you!

Only four more days…

Believing is just the beginning...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Hang On!!!

Only two more weeks before we can celebrate the conclusion of our high stakes accountability testing with a well deserved Spring Break! Reaching this pinnacle in the year is actually exhilarating as a little of the pressure we have felt turns to anticipation of the outstanding results to come. After Wednesday’s testing is complete enjoy the next week and a half wrapping up the third grading period with your students. The focus turns to preparing them for next year.

Believing is just the beginning...

Friday, March 7, 2008

Make The Most of The Magic!!

The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference.

FCAT is one instructional day away. In this last hour, do not doubt the power of the work you’ve done to bring out every child’s fullest potential. Your job now is not to stress over the things you cannot change but rather to hold the wisdom in your heart that something wonderful is about to happen. Pump them up and help them believe in themselves, and they will perform at their fullest potential.

Believing is just the beginning...