Friday, October 30, 2009

It Just Keeps Getting Better

Every year I cannot imagine how the teachers, parents and students can make our Literary Pumpkin Festival bigger and better, but they continue to do so. Special thanks go to the PTA for organizing it all and making it happen! Please take a moment and enjoy a look at our literary pumpkins, trick or treating and carnival pictures and just know that you have made memories that will last a lifetime and once again touched the lives of our precious students. Thank you everyone!


JJ Brown said...

It is always terrific, it is one of my favorite, and my kids favorite parts of the year. My fifth grader wanted to be sure that she gets to keep coming back evn after she graduates.

T-Cubed said...

I'll try to limit this to 50 words or less, whatever!

First, if you tour the slideshow slide by slide and look at the candid shots, take a look at the number of peeps that have a smile on their face versus the non-smilers. What you see is unadulterated love, pure and simple! Imagine being a kid surrounded by that much positive energy. The little girl in the holstein skirt is way cute too!

Second, the Festival is just the most amazing thing that can be witnessed outside of a K-12 school in small-town USA. In fact, it is a K-12 thing. I know, beacuse I spend the majority of my time talking with CCE Alumns, and most do not have to come back beacuse of a little sib. In my eyes, that proves that what we do at CCE does have a very meaningful an long-enduring impact on these kiddos.

I hope that everyone that plays a role takes time to think about how lucky we are to have an opportunity to make such an imortant contribution, because this happens no where else, period!

Finally, bless the PTA and Sue Shall for continuing to work like bees to bless our kids with the very best of everything. Oh, and JJ Brown's daughter has a lifetime pass!



Dorry Lopez said...

Wonderful, wonderful memories were made on this day at Chets. What an enjoyable experience for all of our children as well as the adults who participated in this not-to-be-missed Fall Festival! I really enjoyed looking at the slide show, since I couldn't be everywhere seeing it all in action. Passing out candy to the adorable "trick or treaters" was an hour of sheer bliss. Then, when I finally made it outside to the carnival, I couldn't believe how packed it was with families! I was astonished at the amount of activities that were provided for our children. It made me think of: "Build it and they will come." Tons of families sure did come. It just keeps getting bigger and better here at Chets Creek Elementary. I am constantly amazed!

Anonymous said...

We are a good looking family. I'm glad I took a minute out of my busy Sunday night to actually look at all of these pictures. What I see is typical Chets - people who love what they do! They love it enough to share with husbands, potential husbands (and wives... Joe), with their babies - and just to share time with each other. I'm thankful to work with such fun people! -Karen Morris

Anonymous said...

We love the fall fair