"There are two words that make operations work around here... quality and pride. If you design, build, operate, and maintain with quality, people will take pride in what they do."
Dick Nunis, Walt Disney Attractions
It's time to take a careful look at the "attractions". Have our classrooms and hallways become cluttered, displays tattered, charts unused? Take some time during the next week or on the upcoming planning day to survey the site and make needed repairs to bulletin boards, visuals in the room, or put aways items no longer in use. Get a friend to look around and show you the details that need attention - it is hard to see areas of concern in your own space sometimes! Improving the quality increases the pride.
Believing is just the beginning...
You are right about the importance of the details. I would also suggest visiting other rooms on your same grade level (of those who teach the same content areas as you do)to observe artifacts that are posted (standards, word walls, student work, strategy charts, etc.) and methods for organization. It's always rejuvenating to gain new ideas and get motivated to update one's environment! Planning Day is only one week away!
My bulleting board with Carl Orff's last name on it has been up since school began. A fifth grader finally asked me last week "what is an Orff?" I was glad to know that my bulletin board afforded me a teaching moment. Too cool!
Was this comment specifically designated for me? Must agree, not one of my strengths (It's an EAGLE thing?), and as much I hate to admit it, we are often judged by our appearance. Like it or don't, that is what some folks do. I do have to say that I am doing a better job this year than ever before. OK, not saying much there:}
A word of advice that follows AP's comment: You may want to visit a person that is slightly above your level, and not go see AP, DL or LM. That way you can make small incremental adjustments instead of feeling totally incompetent! I jest because I care:} !!!!!
This is so true. Many times I walk down the same hallway many times and then the next day I walk a visitor down the hallway and my view changes. I notice things I didn't before...good and bad. Take a look with your visitor's eyes and see what you may see.
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